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When i say love
I was calling you.


I just want to say Hi! to YOU. You are entering holdingtheseballoons.bs.com. Enjoy your time here! Fast facts bout me :

The name is Flavia. Pronounced similar to Fluff-ee-ya. I'm technically 13 years old. Leave in somewhere near Jakarta. I'm in love with Books, Photography and Vanilla ice cream. And, Balloons, of course! They're famous, like obviously you'll know who they are. ;) I'm a die-hard fan of Light Blue, White and Black. Not much of Pink. Cookies and Cakes are my two best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them. My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them a lot. World would be such a better place without them all.

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cookies" or "cakes"?

See him once again
Sony VAIO/MacBook
Buy the newest song albums
DSLR! Of course!
New Cell Phone!



Meet the people I love♥

Ciel Nisa Reta Laoshi Pak Bona
Farhan Yasmin Morla


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010


Layout Designer:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kemaren, aku dapet mimpi GILA! Sumpah, aneh banget. Aku bilang ke Nisa, nah trus aku janji ama dia kalo aku bakal nulis cerita ini. So, here we go.

Waktu itu, aku, Nisa, Elly, dan Fanny mau nginep di rumah Nisa. Ya sebenernya sih perpisahan kelas 7. :D Gak tau kenapa, pokoknya akhirnya kita jalan ke rumah Nisa terus nginep di sana.

Di rumah Nisa, kita ganti-gantian Online, curhat-curhatan, ngobrol-ngobrol, sama main-main. Pokoknya seru banget! Pada akhirnya, kita semua kecapean bercanda sampe akhirnya tidur.

Pagi-paginya. Aku bangun dengan perasaan berat. Kok berat? Nah aku juga gak tau. Pokoknya aku merasa di sekeliling leherku ada yang berat. Tiba-tiba.


"Apa itu?", seruku. "Hehehe. Lihat ini.", bukannya menjawab pertanyaanku, Elly malah menunjukkan handphonenya.

"What? Apa-apaan ini?", aku langsung panik begitu melihat foto yang terpampang di layar kaca. Aku spontan melihat ke sebelah kiriku. "KYAAAAAAAA........."

Aku tahu sekarang sumber rasa berat itu ternyata dari tangan Zack, adiknya Nisa, yang memelukku seolah-olah aku itu guling. "hahhaha." Elly, Nisa, dan Fanny malah tertawa, bukannya membantuku melepaskan si Zack.

Rupanya, semalam, Zack masuk setelah aku tidur. Yah, memang aku tidur duluan.  Dia ikut ngobrol sama yang lain. Seharian aku kepikiran kejadian memalukan itu. Aku hanya bisa berharap foto itu tidak disebarkan oleh Elly.

"El, hapus dong..", aku sedang memohon Elly untuk menghapus fotonya, tapi aku terbangun.

Untung ini hanya mimpi. xP


♥just let your mind wide open
12:58 PM

Fuck it! Somehow, i think i fell in love with HIM! He's Marek Hamsik. xD
I love you, Hamsik. xP

p.s. He's mine, just stay away from him! xD


♥just let your mind wide open
12:03 PM